CRM Settings

General Settings

In the general settings,

Admin can save -

> Company details,

> Company logo,

> Customer notes

> Terms & conditions.

This information will be used, while sending invoices or other emails to staff or customers.

Google reCaptcha Integration

You have to create a new site to enable reCaptcha on this link

We have used Google reCaptcha v2 checkbox.

So, you can create a site for v2.

After that, you will need a site key to enter in the devpremier google recpatcha settings page.

You can get the site key by clicking on the settings icon on the top-right, where you have created a new site for recaptcha version 2.

When you submit the google recaptcha site and you can enable the recaptcha by clicking on the button "Enable Captcha".

If you can see google captcha checkbox below this line without any error, that means its enabled at the login page.

CRM Update

In this section, admin or authourised user can update the CRM to the latest version.

To update the CRM, you will need Purchase Code and latest DevPremier CRM Zip file.

Latest DevPremier CRM can be downloaded from the codecanyon after login in your account.

If you haven't purchased the DevPremier CRM, you can buy it from here.

After downloading the latest updated file from the codecanyon.

You have to unzip the file and replace the content from "devpremier-crm-master" into your root folder, where you have kept your CRM application.

Note:- Please take backup of the source code and database before updating the application.

Twilio SMS/Voice Integration

Twilio SMS/Voice Integration

SMS Integration

Step 1:

Create an account over Twilio


Then Get the SID and Auth Token from this link after login.

Twilio Voice Integration

Please follow the given link to get the Twilio ML Voice configuration.

Currency Settings

In these tabs, currencies, payment modes, and tax rates can be created and managed easily to use the CRM.

Thanks for visiting DevPremier CRM!